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RAY: International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Volume III, No. 1 / April, 2018 (E-ISSN: 2456-3064)

Bi-annual-journal (published in April and October)

Volume III, No. 1 / April, 2018
Cover Page Link >>
Title Page Link >>
Editorial Link >>
Editor in Chief & Editorial Board Link >>
Advisory Board Link >>
Contents Link >>
Articles Pages Download
An analyses on the different Modes of Payment and the Problems faced by Islamic Banking....

Towseef Mohi Ud Din

44501 Link >>
A study on volatility and Performance of selected diversified mutual fund...........

Debendra Shaw

45627 Link >>
Library collection funding and corrupt practice in public and private schools in nigeria..................

Diseiye Oyighan Uwhejevwe
Egreajena E. Dennis

25-40 Link >>
Evaluating Profit Earning Efficiency of Indian Banks: A DEA approach.........

Dr. Manas Kumar Baidya

41-57 Link >>
Millennium Development Goals and Women Empowerment in India.............

Partha Sarathi Dey

58-66 Link >>
The Trend of Agricultural Development in West Bengal: A District Level Study ......

Nikhil Kumar Mandal

67-87 Link >>
High Energy spectra of Electromagnetic Component.......

Dr. Rena Majumdar

88-96 Link >>
The usefulness of accounting information in management and decision making by managers of business....

S.E. Uwhejevwe-Togbolo
F.O. Erume
Egware, Nelson Oke

97-112 Link >>
Aims and Objectives of the Journal 113-114 Link >>
Authors Profile / About the Authors 115-118 Link >>