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RAY: International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Volume IV , No. 1 / April, 2019 (E-ISSN: 2456-3064)

Bi-annual-journal (published in April and October)

Volume IV, No. 1 / April, 2019
Cover Page Link >>
Title Page Link >>
Editorial Link >>
Editor in Chief & Editorial Board Link >>
Advisory Board Link >>
Contents Link >>
Articles Pages Download
Rural Working Women and their Stories in their 'Language': A Case Study ........

Deboleena Dutta

41640 Link >>
Entrepreneurial Financial Performance of Fruit Processing Units in Manipur ..

A. S. Yarso

15-27 Link >>
The Glimpse History and Present Scenario of Library and Information Science Education in India ............................

Manas Saha

28-43 Link >>
Trend of Employment in India, 1990-2012: Is There a Diverging Trend? ..................

Nikhil Kumar Mandal

44-53 Link >>
Nayer Bichare Jati ...........

Biswanath Pramanik

54-64 Link >>
Social Audit and Awareness Level about the MGNREGS: A Case of Nadia District, West Bengal .................

Somnath Bandyopadhyay

65-81 Link >>
Aims and Objectives of the Journal 82-83 Link >>
Authors Profile / About the Authors 84-85 Link >>