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RAY: International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Volume V, No. 1 / April, 2020 (E-ISSN: 2456-3064)

Bi-annual-journal (published in April and October)

Volume V, No. 1 / April, 2020
Cover Page Link >>
Title Page Link >>
Editorial Link >>
Editor in Chief & Editorial Board Link >>
Advisory Board Link >>
Contents Link >>
Articles Pages Download
Life Insurance Density and Life Insurance Penetration in India after Life Insurance Sector Reform.....

Jayabrata Ghosh

44409 Link >>
Impact of Research and Development Investment on Firms? Profitability: A Study on Selected Automobile Companies in India ???

Puja Mondal
Subhas Chandra Sarkar

43344 Link >>
MGNREGA and Control Domain of Empowerment: A Micro-Level Study ......

Arindam Chakraborty

19-30 Link >>
Kanyashree Prakalpa in West Bengal: An Inter District Performance Analysis ..................

Somnath Bandyopadhyay

31-44 Link >>
Financial Inclusion through Microfinance Model in India: Special Focus on West Bengal ..

Nikhil Kumar Mandal

45-58 Link >>
The Role of Regulatory Authorities in Maintaining Corporate Governance Standards in India ....

Tushar Kanti Das

59-73 Link >>
কবিতায় দেশভাগ: সমাজ-ঐতিহাসিক প্রেক্ষণ ………

Tarak Nath Chattapadhyay

74-89 Link >>
বাংলা নাট্য সাহিত্যের বিবর্তন ও থার্ড থিয়েটার। .......

Kakali Bhowmik

90-97 Link >>
Aims and Objectives of the Journal 98-99 Link >>
Authors Profile / About the Authors 100-102 Link >>