Latest Journal

RAY: International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Volume IX, No. 2 / October, 2024 (E-ISSN: 2456-3064)

Bi-annual-journal (published in April and October)

Volume IX, No. 2 / October, 2024
Cover Page Link >>
Title Page Link >>
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Contents Link >>
Articles Pages Download
পুরাণে পরিবেশচিন্তন; একটি বিশ্লেষণ ………………….…………………….

Debjani Bhattacharjee

1-8 Link >>
Use of ChatGPT in the Library Services: Prospects and Challenges ……………………………………

Himan Chowdhury

9-20 Link >>
The Nexus of Employment Generation, Poverty Alleviation and Microfinance: A Study of Bandhan Bank's Impact in India (2015-2023) …………………….

Nikhil Kumar Mandal

21-37 Link >>
Climate refugees: A concrete understanding of one of the most pressing twenty-first century challenges ……………………………………

Rohit Roy Chowdhury

38-50 Link >>
Proposition of Strategies for Business Models that Work in Sports League Business in India and Other Countries ……………………

Saurav Kumar

51-72 Link >>
Harnessing Information Technology in Academic Libraries: an in depth analysis of existing tools ……………………

Sumanta Kumar Das

73-89 Link >>
Aims and Objectives of the Journal ………………………… 90 Link >>
Call for Papers …………………………… 91-92 Link >>
Authors Profile / About the Authors …………………… 93-94 Link >>