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Dr. Adrita Banerjee

Designation: SACT
Qualification: M.Sc. (Presidency College, C.U., 2012), Ph.D. (University of Kalyani, 2020)
Email: dradritabanerjee90@gmail.com
Specialization: Cytogenetics and Molecular Biology
Syllabus Taught:
Semester Hons. Programme
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  • CC-T-01 (Biodiversity of Microbes, Algae, Fungi and Archigoniate): Microbes, Fungi, Introduction to Archigoniate
  • CC-T-03 (Diversity of Microbes and Algae): Introduction to Microbial World, microbial nutrition, growth and metabolism; Rhodophyta, Chlorophyta and Charophyta.
  • CC-T-04 (Diversity of Fungi and Plant pathology):Introduction to true fungi, Ascomycota, Allied fungi.
  • GE-T-02(Plant Ecology, Morphology & Taxonomy): Introduction to Plant taxonomy, Identification.
  • Programme: CC-T-02 (Plant Ecology, Morphology and Taxonomy):Introduction to plant taxonomy, Identification, Phytogeography.
  • CC-T-05 (Diversity of Bryophytes and Pteridophytes): General account of Bryophytes, Classification of Bryophytes, Origin and Evolution of Bryophytes, Importance of Bryophytes.
  • CC-T-07 (Reproductive Biology of Plants): Self incompatibility.
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  • CC-T-10 (Economic Botany and Pharmacognosy):Legumes, Sources of sugars & starches, Cereals, Spices and Condiments.
  • CC-T-04 (Plant physiology & Metabolism):Plant-water relations, Mineral nutrition, Plant response to light & temperature.
  • CC-P-04(Practical)
  • DSE-T-02 (Plant Breeding and Biometry):Plant breeding, methods of crop improvement, quantitative inheritance, inbreeding depression and heterosis, crop improvement and breeding.
  • DSE-P-02 (Practical)
  • DSE-T-01 (Industrial and Environmental Microbiology):Microbial enzymes of industrial interest and enzyme immobilization, Microbes and quality of environment, Microbial flora of water, Microbes in agricultural and remediation of contaminated soil.
  • CC-T-13 (Genetics): Mendelian Genetics and its extension, Linkage, Crossing over and Chromosome Mapping, Fine Structure of Gene, Transcription, Translation.
  • CC-P-13 (Practical)
  • CC-P-14 (Practical)
  • DSE-T-02 (Genetics and Biotechnology):Mendelian Genetics and its Extension, Linkage, Crossing Over and Chromosomal Mapping, Mutations: Chromosomal Mutations.
Research Experience: 5 Years
Research Interest: Microbiology - Water borne arsenic resistant bacteria and their exploitation in crop plants.
List of Publications:
Research :
  1. A. Banerjee, A. Hazra, S. Das, C. Sengupta. (2020) Groundwater inhabited Bacillus and Paenibacillus strains alleviate arsenic-induced phytotoxicity of rice plant, International Journal of Phytoremediation, DOI: 10.1080/15226514.2020.1725871
  2. A. Banerjee, C. Sengupta. Bacteria mediated reclamation of Arsenic induced biochemical injuries in maize plant. Vol-6 Issue-1 2020 IJARIIE-ISSN (O)-2395-439611213
Conference / Seminar / Workshop details:
Level Paper presented Attended
International -- --
National 01 05
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