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Smt. Meghamitra Dey

Designation: SACT
Qualification: M.A. (University of Kalyani, 2016), M.Phil.(Rabindra Bharati University, 2019)
Mobile No:
Email: megha.dey336@gmail.com
Specialization: Modern India
Syllabus Taught:
Semester Hons. Programme
  • Course-I, Unit-3---
  • Rise of Ancient Rome,- Decline of the Roman Empire- Agrarian Economy and trade-The Church and the question of Religion
  • Course-I, Unit-1--- Basic concepts and theories of human rights-social structure and the question of human rights in India.
  • Course-I, Unit-3---
  • Age of the Guptas; Consolidation of Magadhan Empire: debates of Golden Age, Brahminical revival and Growth of Feudalism: Decline of the Gupta Powerand beginning of Political decentralized of India: assessing Harshavardhana as the last Great Emperor
  • Course-IV, Unit-2--From Centralized to Decentralized India-The Rajput of North India-Pals and Senas in Bengal- Kindoms of the South- The Pallavas, Rashtrakutas, Chalukyas, and Cholas.
  • Course-III, Unit-3-
  • The Indian Economy-Planed Economy- The Land question-industry and labour- the demographic and Public health
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  • Course-VI, Unit-1-- Structural features of of European Feudalism- The Crusades and the 14th Centuary crisis of feudalism- decline of Feudalism in Western Europe but its survivalin Eastern Europe.
  • Course-I, Unit-1--- Basic concepts and theories of human rights-social structure and the question of human rights in India.
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  • Course-IX, Unit-4--Emergence of Successor State- Bengal- Awadh- Mysore- Hyderabad.
  • Generic Elective
  • Course-IV of the General Programme, Unit-1
  • Reneissance and Reformation- Socio-Economic Roots- Secularism and Humanism- Art, Architecture, Science and Literature- The Printing Revolution
  • Course-II, Unit-3--
  • Introduction to Computer Networks, Data Communication, Components, Data representation (ASCII, ISO etc.)- direction of data flow (simplex, half duplex, full duplex); - distributed processing, network criteria, physical structure (type of connection, topology) - categories of network (LAN, MAN, WAN). Internet - brief history, internet today - protocols and standards - reference models: OSI reference model, TCP/IP reference model, their comparative study.
  • Course-XI: History of Modern India from the beginning of colonial rule to the Great Revolt.
  • DSE (Honours)= Course-II: History of Japan from Meiji Restoration to the Second World War.
  • DSE (General)= Course-1: History of China from Tradition to Revolution.
  • SEC (General)= Course-1: The Bengal Music.
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Awards / Achievements : Amul Vidya Bhusan, Qualified SET in 2023
Research Experience: 2 years
Research Interest: Caste and Refugee
Membership of Learned Societies / Organizations:
  1. Paschim Banga Itihas Samsad
  2. Bangiya Itihas Samiti
  3. Paschim Banga Itihas Sankalan Samiti
List of Publications:
Research :
  1. দক্ষিণ এশিয়ার সার্ক ভুক্ত দেশগুলির সঙ্গে ভারতের পররাষ্ট্রীয় সম্পর্কের কয়েকটি দিক, Nakshatra Prakashan
  2. ছিটমহল সমস্যা ও সমাধানে ভারত-বাংলাদেশের পররাষ্ট্রীয় সম্পর্কের একটি পর্যালোচনা, সুচিন্তা
  3. ভারত-বাংলাদেশের কূটনৈতিক সম্পর্কে চাকমা সংস্কৃতির প্রভাব, East Calcutta Girls’ College
  4. স্বাধীন বাংলাদেশ স্বীকৃতিতে বেসরকারি ভারতীয়দের উদ্যোগকে ফিরে দেখা, স্বদেশী আন্দোলন ও মুসলিম সম্প্রদায়, সম্পাদনা- ডঃআশীষদাস, ডঃ ত্রিদিব মণ্ডল, শুভজিৎ ঘোষ
  5. স্বদেশী আন্দোলন ও মুসলিম সম্প্রদায়, এবং মহুয়া
  6. দেশভাগ ও বাঙ্গালী বাস্তুহারা, Lokeswar
Conference / Seminar / Workshop details:
Level Paper presented Attended
International 02 03
National 01 01
State 01 04
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