Committee (IQAC CELL)
The objective of the cell is to assist the administration to sustain and enhance the quality of higher education imparted to the students in our institution by consistent innovative outlook in the departments of curriculum, teaching and learning, infrastructure, measures for students progression ,governance and innovative programmes. To realize this objective the IQAC was constituted with the cell comprising of representatives from the management administration, teaching staff, alumni, parents, society and students. An annual meeting to discuss the possibilities of improvement is taken. The decisions taken are implemented in the next session of the college. The IQAC cell of the college has designed a host of committees to decentralize the work and to incorporate the innovative ideas and organizing skills of every member of the college. Following are the names of the committees run under IQAC cell of the college and their arena of work and purpose.
Guidelines for the Creation of the IQAC (Version 6 Dated 26-09-2019) »
Guidelines for the Creation of the IQAC »