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To provide the same information and content that one can receive at any large public library, and to provide it through the World Wide Web. The need for such a site can be explained by studying a recent Smithsonian Institute Study that discovered that while a 14 year old American teenager had a vocabulary of 25,000 + words in his language in 1940, the same American teenager would have a vocabulary base of only 10,000 words today. Our goal/dream is to be 'The Library to the World', in which books, education materials, information, reference materials, documents, and content will be provided freely to anyone who has an internet connection. By providing it in a format that will be both easy to use, useful and interesting, we strongly believe that we can then help in some small measure to reverse the trend that the Smithsonian Institute has discovered. By bringing such a library to the world, and providing it to everyone regardless of race, age, creed, or religion, it is also our hope that at the end of the day we have helped in some small measure to improve the human condition. In return, we ask for your feedback and your understanding as we continue to work in updating and building this site.
A site that brings both authors and readers into the world of free legal ebooks. Authors with their ebooks will benefit greatly from the large community of readers and the readers will in return, of course, will have lots of materials to read to their hearts’ content.
This site is a directory of Hyperlinks to free e-books, tutorials, and lecture notes, etc, all over the world. It is basically a free service to the communities with the focus on Information Technologies, Computer Science, Mathematics, etc. This site neither supports copyright infringement, nor links to web sites that trade copyrighted material. If you find any questionable links on this web site, please contact the webmaster (see the contact info at the bottom). In fact, all the items (books, lecture notes, etc.) listed in this site are just Hyperlinks to other web pages all over the world (same as search results in Google). That includes, but not limited to, e-books, lecture notes, and tutorials, etc. In other words, this site DOES NOT contain any actual content of the books or lecture notes listed in this site.
At you access most of the English-language final essays published at Swedish universities. Every year tens of thousands of Swedish university students spend many million hours researching and writing their final theses. The end result - all the essays - is a knowledge resource of great weight. However, up until quite recently, it was common that the finished essays where stored away in the darkest corners of the university libraries, where no-one would ever find them. This problem led way to the Swedish website Uppsatser. se. The website was launched in 2004, with the goal to become a knowledge platform that could bridge the knowledge-gap between university students, schools and companies in Sweden. - the english language version of, was launched in november 2007. It is meant for all of people who do not speak Swedish, but still want to take part of the research carried out by Swedish students. About one fourth of the university essays in Sweden are written in English.