Future plans: The College has already made computer catalogues for all the books in the library for students’ ready-use.
. The college plans to install computers in the library so that a student may trace the status of a book whether that is available in the library or borrowed by someone else, how many copies of that book the library has etc, by a click of the mouse.
It is observed that some of the students do not return the Library Books on or before the due date stamped on the date slip attached in the book depriving other students.
Planning to setting up with 2 workstations and reading hall.
To assess the use pattern of Chakdaha College Library web OPAC (like time of access, discipline, designation, duration, etc.). The authority is planning to assign an individual user ID login and password.
Chakdaha College Library authority is planning to provide e-books facility for negotiate further purchase / collection.
Chakdaha College Library is setting up to Digital Library of holdings.
Chakdaha College Library is planning to create bibliographic details for Publications of Chakdaha College Journals / Publications like: college workshops, seminars and conference proceedings, etc.