Online Newspaper Directory for the World
This is the Directory of online Newspapers for the World, thousands of newspapers listed by country & region wise. This covers many Indian newspapers.
Epaper hub is collection of daily online newspaper list sorted by Countries and by languages. A huge collection of newspaper or epapers online from all over the world in various languages. Epaper hub contains Print edition epaper that you read Online and grab your news through internet. Here you can find any number of epaper in different language, from different cities, different countries and cities. So don’t wait and search you daily newspaper and enjoy news from all over the world online.
e-Newspapers- Here are some e-Newspaper links of various different regions to aware news from worldwide. The library doesn't acquire any print newspaper due to those are available in every hostel. Therefore the library has given some links to e-newspaper so that the NITR community can have news anytime anywhere.
The following daily newspapers' are available with the Library and all these are available online too.