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Dr. Moumita Roy

Designation: SACT
Qualification: M.A. (Jadavpur University), 2009, M.Phil. (Jadavpur University), 2011, Ph.D. (Jadavpur University), 2020
Email: moumita.phil@gmail.com
Specialization: Philosophy of mind, Buddhist psychology
Syllabus Taught:
Semester Hons. Programme
Sem-I Western Psychology --
Sem-II Outline of Indian Psychology --
Sem-III SEC (Indian logical Rules) Western Psychology
Sem-IV Psychology --
Sem-V Vedantasara --
Sem-VI Metaphysics Western Logic
  1. Fellowship Erasmus Mundus in Warsaw university, Poland. Period of Study 2014-2015.
  2. Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development. (1st prize in Painting Competition of National level talent Identification and Exhibition Programme (NATIEC-2008) at Annamalai University, Tamilnadu. Theme: Peace.
  3. Government of India, Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, 1st Position on Eradication. of Extreme Poverty and Hunger at the Stale Level Poster Competition Millennium Development Goals (MDG). 2008
  4. Poster- Making Competition 2008-098.09-10 Jadavper university. 3rd prize. Jadavpus University. (NSS). [Two times]
  5. Level 4 of the Japanese-language Proficienсу Test given in December 2006, jointly administered by the Japanese Foundation and the Japanese Educational Exchanges and services.
Research Experience: 7 Years
Research Interest: Aesthetic, Cognitive Science, Buddhist Psychology, Buddhist Art and Culture, Child psychology, Experimental Philosophy
Research Publications:
  1. M. Roy, PoribesNitibidya, T. Bandyopadhya (ed) PrayogikNitibidya, EbongMushacra, Kolkata, 2011, pp. 69-75. ISBN: 978-93-81170 23-6
  2. M. Roy, Mahajanaka Jataka chiterDarshanikaanusandhan, M. Roy (ed.), Niti, Rajniti, Samaj O Darshan, Cognition Publication, Kolkata, 2018, pp. 48-57. ISBN 978-93-86529-02-2
  3. M. Roy, SomokalinChiterya Buddha and BoudhaBhavdhara, Nalanda Buddhisun and Indian Cultural Journal, vol. XL VIII-XLIX, 2014
  4. M. Roy, SilaChintaralokechampayo Jataka, Ouest, A Bi-lingual Peer Reviewed Academic Journal, Vol-12, 2017-18
  5. M. Roy, The Jataka Tales: A Historical and Ethical Analysis, ways to Religion Wroclaw - Washington, D.C. vol-2, 2018
  6. M. Roy, Mahish Jataka: Ekdarshanikatattvalochana, Darshana Biksa, Jadavpur Journal of Philosophy. 2018-2019.
  7. M. Roy, AdorsochonterProsongeBodhisa. - Hva, M. Roy (ed.), H. Mondal (ed.), DarshanezBivinneAngik, Cognition Publications 1 Rap Kolkata, 2021, P-43-58,SPN-978-13-86529-38
  8. M. Roy, Ajanta Guihar Jataka ChitresDarshonikTottalochona, Cognition Publica tion, 2021, ISBN 978-93-86529-51-0
Conference / Seminar / Workshop details:
Level Paper presented Attended
International 02 01
National -- 02
State 03 04
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