Department of Sanskrit
"मधु॒ वाता॑ ऋताय॒ते मधु॑ क्षरंति॒ सिंध॑वः।
माध्वी॑र्नः सं॒त्वोष॑धीः॥
मधु॒ नक्त॑मु॒तोषसो॒ मधु॑म॒त्पार्थि॑वं॒ रजः॑।
मधु॒ द्यौर॑स्तु नः पि॒ता॥
मधु॑मान्नो॒ वन॒स्पति॒र्मधु॑माँ अस्तु॒ सूर्यः॑।
माध्वी॒र्गावो॑ भवंतु नः॥ [Ŗgveda, 1.90(6-8)]"
"The winds drops honey for the righteous, the rivers drop honey, may our plants be sweet as honey ᴉ
May the night be honey in the morning, may the air above the earth, may heaven, our father, be honey ᴉ
May the tree be full of honey, may the sun be full of honey, may our cows be sweet like honey ᴉ"