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Smt. Sagata Bhadra

Designation: SACT & HOD
Qualification: M.A. (University of Kalyani, 1993)
Mobile No:
Email: sagatabhadra01@gmail.com
Specialization: Modern European History
Syllabus Taught:
Semester Hons. Hons.(GE) Programme
  • Course-II: The Aztec Civilization and The Inca Society
  • C-I: Unit1; Caste, Class and Religion -State and Human rights, Politics and politics and economic policies.
  • Course: I Sources and interpretation Board Survey of Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic cultures
  • Course-III: Unit 1; The Maurya Rule in Magadha-Ashoka’s Dhamma
  • Course-III, Unit-1; Towards Independence from Government of India Act (1935) to the Mountbatten Plan-partition and birth of the new State of India in 1947
  • Course: II, Unit: II: Delhi on the eve of the Mughal ascent- Timur’s invasion-Te Sayyids and Lodis-Babur’s adventure- Babur’s Central Asian Connection- Humayun’s misfortune-Sher Shah-Sur and Afghan rule in India-making of the Mughal State from Akbar to Aurangzeb
  • Course-VI : Unit: 1; Structural features of European Feudalism-The crusades and The 14th century crisis of feudalism
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  • Course: VIII, Unit: II: man sab and jagir – the Mughal ruling Class- nobility and zamindars- the Peasants and the village community
  • Course IX: Bengal, Awadh
  • Course: X: The philosophers and the Ideological revolution
  • Course: Unit IV : various Military and economic Alliances, Regional Conflicts in the Bipolar World, Vietnam Korea, Cuba, The middle East and Afghanistan
  • Course: IV : Unit : III : The Vienna Settlement and the Metternich system – Revolutions of 1830 and 1848 birth of the United Nation States of Germany and Italy, Karl Marks and the Socialist Challenge in Europe
  • Course-XII : History of Modern India from Renaissance to Independence.
  • GE (General) Course-1: Human Right in India
  • DSE (General) Course-1: History of China from Tradition to Revolution.
  • Course-XIV : Trends in World Politics from the First to the Second World War.
  • DSE (Honours) Course-1: History of Bangladesh from Liberation to the present day
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Conference / Seminar / Workshop details:
Level Paper presented Attended
International -- 01
National -- 01
State -- --
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